Environment-Simulating Test Room for Car
Environment-Simulating Test Room for Car
Description: This is a computerized automatic environment-simulating test room for cars.
Test Purpose: Simulating various environment and road conditions under which a car runs, and then collecting the necessary data for design of a car and it’s relating parts.
The simulating conditions include temperature, humidity, sun light volume, car speed and running load etc…which can be adjusted as will.
Frequently used test-room norm:
  1. Highest car speed: 120 km/hr
  2. Corresponding open size for car: 1.2 (W) * 0.8m (H)
  3. Temperature control range: 15~45 ℃± 1 ℃
  4. Humidity control range: 45~90% R.H. ± 5%
  5. Car heat load: Max. 110,000 kcal/hr
Sun light volume: 300~1,000 kcal/hr·m2